domingo, 26 de abril de 2015

Esperamos que os haya gustado nuestro blog y lo hayáis encontrado interesante.
Para nosotras hacer este blog ha sido como un viaje a través del cine y hemos creado así nuestra propia y pequeña película. Pero como todas las película tiene un principio y un fin, y este es el de la nuestra.
Aunque antes de despedirnos queremos que veáis como somos y para ello hemos hecho este dibujo.




En esta entrada vamos a hablar de la animación.
En la animación, a diferencia de las películas que captan imágenes en movimiento, se producen las imágenes una por una, mediante dibujos, modelos, objetos y otras múltiples técnicas, de forma que, al proyectarse consecutivamente, se produzca la ilusión de movimiento.
La palabra animación proviene del latín, lexema «anima» que significa «alma». Por tanto, la acción de animar se debería traducir como «dotar de alma», refiriéndose a todo aquello que no la tuviera.

  • Un poco de historia:
La idea de recrear la ilusión del movimiento con una serie de dibujos es más antigua que el nacimiento del cine. Algunos historiadores creen que se remontan a la prehistoria, mediante pinturas rupestres, y a Egipto y Grecia. ya que en su arte tenían tendencia a representar diferentes fases del movimiento.
El primer intento que se conoce de una animación mediante la proyección de imágenes data de 1640, cuando el alemán Athanasius Kircher inventó el primer proyector de imágenes, la «linterna mágica».
En una de sus proyecciones representaba a un hombre mientras dormía, abriendo y cerrando la boca.

En 1824, cuando Peter Mark Roget descubrió el principio de persistencia de la visión, fundamento en el que se basan todas las imágenes proyectadas que conocemos hoy en día.

Aunque ninguno de estos inventos pasó de la categoría de juguete hasta la llegada del «Phenakistoscopio» de Joseph Antoine Plateau, en 1831, en el que conseguía plasmar un movimiento completo mediante el uso de dibujos.

'Blancanieves y los 7 enanitos' es el primer largometraje producido por Disney y data del año 1937. Esta película está basada en el cuento de hadas los hermanos Grimm, y casi lleva al estudio de Mickey Mouse a la bancarrota.
Su producción se prolongó desde 1935 hasta mediados de 1937. Al final el presupuesto total de la película rozó el millón y medio de dólares.
Otros famosos largometrajes Disney:
  • PINOCHO (1940): esta clásica película fue la segunda gran producción de Disney. Cuenta la historia de una divertida marioneta cuyo único deseo es ser un niño real. Ganó dos Oscar por su banda sonora.


  • DUMBO (1941): fue el primer clásico Disney en salir en video. Como todos conocemos narra la historia de un pequeño elefante con grandes oreja, gracias a las cuales puede volar.


  • BAMBI (1942): este largometraje iba a ser estrenado en 1937 pero no salió hasta 1942. Esto se debió a un gran cambio en el guión, ya que inicialmente Bambi era al que disparaban, en lugar de a su madre.


  • LA CENICIENTA (1950): es uno de los mayores éxitos Disney y con ella volvió la adaptación de cuentos a largometrajes. Uno de los datos más curiosos de esta película es que el príncipe carece de nombre, es simplemente “el príncipe encantado”
La cenicienta

  • ALICIA EN EL PAÍS DE LAS MARAVILLAS (1951): está basada en la hitoria de Lewis Carroll y es el primer largometraje que utiliza voces de famosos para doblar a su personajes.

Alicia en el país de las maravillas

  • PETER PAN (1953): tras esta gran película todos los niños soñaron con volar junto a Peter Pan al país de nunca jamás y vivir con los niños perdidos. Esta película tubo un pequeño cambio de guión cuando se decidió que Garfio perdiera su mano izquierda en lugar de la derecha.

Peter pan

  • LA DAMA Y EL VAGABUNDO (1955): esta película fue el primer gran romance capaz de conquistar tanto a niños como a adultos. Y con su popular historia de amor canino fue una de las películas Disney más taquilleras.

La dama y el vagabundo

  • LA BELLA DURMIENTE (1959): esta película narra, como todos sabemos, la maldición de Bella, una hermosa princesa a la que le espera el sueño eterno. Fue la primera película en utilizar el tópico del poder de un beso de amor verdadero. Sus personajes fueron creados a partir de actores reales, por ejemplo el príncipe Philip está inspirado en Ed Kemmer.

La bella durmiente

  • WINNIE DE POOH (1977): el oso más famoso de la televisión apareció en el cine en una película que unía tres de los relatos anteriormente producidos sobre Winnie y sus amigos. En esta época Disney pasa una crisi creativa.

Lo mejor de Winnie de Pooh

  • LA SIRENITA (1989): con este gran clásico Disney recuperó toda su popularidad, es más se dice que con esta película se inició la época dorada de Disney. Está basada en uno de los cuentos de Andersen.

La sirenita

  • LA BELLA Y LA BESTIA (1991): el el primer largometraje de la historia en ser nominado al Oscar a la mejor películas. Es además considerada uno de los mejores romances de la historia gracias a su reflexión de que la belleza está en el interior.

La bella y la bestia

  • ALADDIN (1992): esta película fue nominada a la mejor canción y a la mejor banda sonora el los Oscar, además de tener un gran éxito. Pero Disney no confiaba en que esta historia fuese a triunfar así que decidieron que Aladdin tuviera unas similitudes físicas con Tom Cruise.


  • POCAHONTAS (1995): esta película narra una historia en una civilización diferente a la nuestra donde las personas viven en una gran sintonía con la naturaleza. Pocahontas está inspirada el la top model Naomi Campbell.


  • EL REY LEÓN (1995): ganó el globo de oro a la mejor comedia y el Oscar a la mejor canción y a la mejor banda sonora, a pesar de que Disney pensara que tendría mucho menos éxito que Pocahontas.
El rey leon

  • MULÁN (1997): está basada en la leyenda china de Hau Mulán, una chica que se hace pasar por hombre para sustituir a su anciano padre en la guerra. Tubo un gran éxito en más de medio mundo.


  • Wikipedia
  • Sensacine

El cine es un medio de entretenimiento muy cotizado y que se ajusta a todos los gustos. Ir al cine solo o con amigos es también una actividad de interacción social muy común actualmente pero, ¿cómo sería todo antes del cine? ¿Cuál era el entretenimiento para las gentes de antaño? ¿Cómo se representaban las historias? La respuesta a todas estas preguntas es el teatro.
Los teatros en el imperio romano fueron, como construcción, muy comunes y en ellos se interpretaban obras griegas y latinas.
Para los romanos el teatro era una forma próspera y diversa del arte. El historiador romano Tito Livio escribió que el teatro romano comenzó en el siglo IV a.C con la actuación de los etruscos, pero por otro lado, otros mantienen que la cultura romana estaba ya algo familiarizada con el teatro desde hace ya tiempo.
Las primeras obras teatrales romanas fueron las de Livio Andrónico y las de Ennio.
Al igual que las películas se clasifican en diferentes géneros, como gore o romance, las obras teatrales de esta época también se clasificaban según sus características argumentativas:
  • Tragedia:
Fábula crepidata o coturnata: Tragedia de grecia, se caracterizaba por el coturno que usaban los actores, que era un tipo de bota alta.
Fábula praetexta: Se basa en leyendas o historias romanas. Toma el nombre de un tipo de toga romana que usaban entonces los hombres ilustres.
  • Comedia
Fábula palliata: Comedia latina de asunto griego. Recibe este nombre porque los actores llevaban una toga denominada pallium. Un ejemplo de autores de este género es Nevio. Está inspirada en la comedia nueva ateniense, cuyos máximos representantes eran Filemón y Menandro.

Fábula togata: Es una comedia sobre temas y personajes romanos. Los actores siempre llevaban una toga, y a esto le debe su nombre este tipo de obra.
Unos personajes que representaban las artes y las ciencias tanto en la cultura romana como en la griega son las nueve musas, hijas de Zeus y Mnemósine:
Calíope: Musa de la poesía épica y la elocuencia que suele representarse con una corona de laureles, un libro o una tablilla y una trompeta
Clío: Es la musa de la historia. Sus diferentes representaciones artísticas son muy parecidas a las de Calíope, la única diferencia es que ésta puede aparecer con un pergamino o un cisne en vez de una trompeta.
Erato: Musa del arte lírico y la elegía cuyos atributos son una lira o una viola.
Euterpe: Musa de la música que suele ser representada con una flauta en la mano, normal o doble.
Melpómene: Es la musa de la tragedia cuyos atributos son una máscara con mueca de tristeza o un puñal.
Talía: Al contrario que Melpómene, representa la comedia y se suele representar con una máscara sonriente
Terpsícore: Musa de la danza. se representa con instrumentos musicales de cuerda, como una lira o una viola.
Urania: Musa de la astronomía y la astrología. Suele representarse con un compás, con una corona de estrellas y con la esfera del mundo.
Polimnia: Musa de la retórica. Suele representarse con un órgano y con una expresión seria.

In this post we will talk about 10 famous English/American actors and directors
Martin Freeman:
He was born on September 8, 1971 in Aldershot, Hampshire, England. He is an actor, known for the trilogy The Hobbit (2012-2014) and Hot Fuzz (2007).Also he participated in TV series like The Office (2001-2003) and Sherlock (2010-Present).His other notable film roles include the romantic comedy Love Actually (2003), the comic science fiction film The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005), the semi-improvised comedy Nativity! (2009), and the comedic Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy, most prominently in the sci-fi comedy The World's End (2013)
  • Usually plays mild-mannered characters in extraordinary circumstances
  • Wide range of expressions and reaction shots
  • Often plays characters from literary fiction (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Sherlock, The Hobbit)
  • Distinctive clipped, deliberate delivery of lines
  • Known for his willful attempts to make each and every take different
-Inner life:
-After his parents divorced, he lived with his father. After his father died (when Martin was ten), he moved back in with his mother and stepfather James.
-He attended the Central School of Speech and Drama in London, England.
-Comes from an artistic family: older brother, Tim Freeman, was in the 1980s art-pop group, Frazier Chorus; another brother, Jamie Freeman, is a musician and website designer; cousin Ben Norris is a stand-up comic.
-He has two children with longtime partner Amanda Abbington: Joseph (born 2006) and Grace (born 2008).

Eddie Redmayne:
 Edward John David Redmayne was born and raised in London, England,the son of Patricia(Burke)and Richard Redmayne,a businessman.Redmayne is the only member of his family to follow a career in acting, and also modeled during his teen years. He was educated at Eton College before going on to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he studied History of Art.Encouraged by his parents, Redmayne took drama lessons from a young age.Alongside his stage career, Redmayne has worked steadily in television and film.His notable projects include Robert De Niro's El buen pastor (2006), Elizabeth: La edad de oro (2007), Tess, la de los D'Urberville (2008), Los pilares de la Tierra (2010) and Mi semana con Marilyn (2011). In 2012, he co-starred in the musical Los miserables(2012), as Marius Pontmercy.
In 2014, Redmayne played scientist Stephen Hawking in the biographical drama film The Theory of Everything (2014), opposite Felicity Jones, as Stephen's wife Jane Hawking. For his performance, Redmayne won multiple awards, including the Academy Award for Best Actor. As such, he became the first man born in the 1980s to win an acting Oscar.
In 2014, Redmayne married publicist Hannah Bagshawe.
Jennifer Lawrence:
She was born on August 15, 1990. She is an American actress. Her first major role was as a lead cast member on the TBS sitcom The Bill Engvall Show (2007-2009). She appeared in the independent dramas The Burning Plain (2008) and Winter's Bone (2010), for which she received an Academy Award for Best Actress nomination. Her first commercial success came with the superhero film X-Men: First Class (2011).
Jennifer Lawrence is best known for playing Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger games(2012),Tiffany Maxwell in Silver Linings Playbook(2012), and Rosalyn Rosenfeld in American Hustle(2013).
Before Jennifer became an actress, she was involved in cheerleading, field hockey, softball..., none of which she held a passion for. Her career began when she traveled to Manhattan at the age of 14. After conducting her first cold read, agents told her mother that "it was the best cold read by a 14- year-old they had ever heard", and tried to convince her mother that she needed to spend the summer in Manhattan. Her career forced her and her family to move to Los Angeles, where she was cast in the TBS sitcom The Bill Engvall Show (2007), and in smaller movies like The Poker House (2008)
Lawrence won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in Silver Linings Playbook (2012). She won two Golden Globe Awards, Best Actress for Silver Linings Playbook and Best Supporting Actress for American Hustle (2013). She has won a BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role for American Hustle.
Martin Scorsese:
He was born on  November 17, 1942, in New York City, to Italian-American parents Catherine and Charles Scorsese. He was raised in the neighborhood of Little Italy, which later provided the inspiration for several of his films.
Scorsese's body of work addresses such themes as Italian-American identity, Roman Catholic concepts of guilt and redemption, machismo, modern crime, and gang conflict. Many of his films are also notable for their depiction of violence and liberal use of profanity.
-Characteristics of his directing:
  • Often begins his films with segments taken from the middle or end of the story (Toro salvaje (1980), Uno de los nuestros (1990), Casino, de Scorsese (1995) and El lobo de Wall Street (2013)).
  • Makes use of slow motion techniques
  • Often uses long tracking shots (His most famous is from Uno de los nuestros (1990), following Henry Hill and his future wife Karen through the basement of the Copacabana nightclub and ending up at a newly prepared table).
  • Frequently uses music by The Rolling Stones, especially the song "Gimme Shelter" (Uno de los nuestros (1990), Casino, de Scorsese (1995), Infiltrados (2006)).
  • His films often contain extraordinary levels of bad language. El lobo de Wall Street(2013) has the most uses of the f-word in a film at 569 and Casino, de Scorsese (1995) has the fourth.
Woody Allen:
He was born on December 1, 1935 in Brooklyn, New York, to Nettie (Cherrie), a bookkeeper, and Martin Konigsberg, a waiter and jewelry engraver. As a young boy, he became intrigued with magic tricks and playing the clarinet, two hobbies that he continues today.He worked as a comedy writer in the 1950s, writing jokes and scripts for television and publishing several books of short humor pieces. In the early 1960s, Allen began performing as a stand-up comedian.By the mid-1960s Allen was writing and directing films, first specializing in slapstick comedies before moving into dramatic material influenced by European art cinema during the 1970s.

Some best-known of his over 40 films are Annie Hall (1977), Manhattan (1979), Hannah and Her Sisters (1986), and Midnight in Paris (2011)
Allen has been nominated 24 times and won four Academy Awards(Oscars): three for Best Original Screenplay and one for Best Director (Annie Hall).He has more screenwriting Academy Award nominations than any other writer, and has won nine BAFTA.
-Characteristics of his directing:
  • Frequently plays a neurotic New Yorker
  • Nearly all of his films start and end with white-on-black credits, set in the Windsor typeface, set to jazz music, without any scrolling.
  • His films often include opening Narration or the protagonist talking directly to the audience
  • His female characters are often free spirited but naive and often come from small town backgrounds
  • His films are almost all set in New York City
Tim Burton:
His early film career has fueled by almost unbelievable good luck, but it’s his talent and his originality that have kept him at the top of the Hollywood tree. He began drawing at an early age, going on to attend the California Institute of Arts studying animation.
He started working with Disney first, helping in the film of  “Tod y Toby” (1981) and then, making personal projects with more freedom, like “Frankenweenie” (1981) Paul Reubens saw him and decided he would be the ideal person to direct his feature debut “La gran aventura de Pee-Wee” (1985) His least personal film, “Eduardo Manostijeras”, (1992) was one of the most successful of all the times, and gave him an unprecedented power in Hollywood. He was born in California, Burnbank, and he passed all his childhood as a recluse, drawing cartoons and watching old movies. As we can see, Tim Burton is a very original but also peculiar person. His appearance is also strange, because he always wear dark clothes, large sunglasses and
 unwashed hair.
All his films are characterized by a gothic feel and their features of dead.They also have fantasy elements, tend to be or too dark or too colorful and they always opens with a personal version of the studio’s logo. He often casts with Johnny Depp and normally uses the compositions of Danny Elfman.
Johnny Depp:
He is perhaps one of the more versatile actors of his days and age of Hollywood.
His full name is John Christopher Depp and he was born in Owensboro on June of 1963 in a humble family.
He raised in Florida and fronted a series of music-garage bands before being dropped out of school when he was 15. It was when he married Lori Anne Allison that he took up the job of being a ballpoint-pen salesman to support himself and his wife. They getted divorced in 1986 and now he’s married with Amber Heard. He met the actor Nicolas Cage in California, and he advised him to start acting.
In 1987 he shot to the stardom when he replaced Jeff Yagher in the role of undercover cop Tommy Hanson in the popular TV serie “Nuevos policías” (1987)
In 1990, he acted as the principal character at the great and successful film of Tim Burton,  “Eduardo manostijeras”.
This film gave him popularity and in 1994, he worked again with Tim Burton on a new film; “Ed Wood”. After his collaboration with this great director, he worked in several films from 1997 to 1999.
He has played many characters during his career and all very differents, that’s what mainly characterizes him.
Other things that characterize him are:
His whispering voice
He never watches his own movies
Known for wearing outlandish clothes and numerous tattoos.
Scarlett Johansson:
Scarlett Johansson, that was born in New York in 1984, is an american actress, model and singer who reached the fame with the film “The horse whisperer”.Normally people think that this was her first film but the truth is that she started acting very young. Her first debut was at the age of 9, acting as John Ritter’s daughter in the film “North”. After this, she participated in some films interpreting secondary characters. In 1996, she was nominated to the Independent Spirit award for the best actress in the film “Manny & Lo”. In 2003 she started interpreting adult characters witn tne film “Lost in translation”. Her most popular films are the ones of “The avengers” (2012), “Hitchcock” (2012) , “Lucy” (2014), “Captain america: The winter soldier” (2014) and “The avengers: Age of ultron” (2015)which is her most recent one.
Scarlett Johansson is a very popular actress that has been nominated for many awards. 
-The most recent awards she recived are:
           César award (2014)
           MTV Movie award for the best fight in the film of “The Avengers” (2013)
           BAFTA Award for the best actress in the film “Lost in translation” (2004)
           Tony award for the best cast actress (2010)
           Gotham award for the best cast (2008)
-These are some curious facts about Scarlett Johansson:
           Her older sister Vanessa Johansson is also an actress
           She has a twin brother called Hunter Johansson
           She hates cockroaches, because one day, she woke up with one on her face.
           She loves “Frozen” and she wants to participate on a musical of it.
Brad Pitt:
 An actor and producer known for his handsome face, Golden Globe-winning actor Brad Pitt is most widely recognized role may be Tyler Durden in “El club de la lucha” (1999). He was born in Oklahoma in 1963 and was raised in Springfield. At school he was involved in sports, debating, student government and school musicals. He acted in fraternity shows and other TV programmes and then he supported himself driving strippers, moving refrigerators and dressing as a giant chicken working in “El pollo loco”.
His earliest credited roles were in television, but Pitt’s career hit an upswing with his casting of “El río de la vida” (1992). After this, he acted in more and variated films, like “Leyenda de pasión” (1994) and “Seven” (1995). His portrayal of Jeffrey Goines in “Doce Monos” (1995) won him a globe for the best performance by an actor.
His actuation as Achilles in the film of “Troya” (2004) helped establish as action star. In the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith for the film “Sr. y Sra. Smith” (2005) he met his current partner Angelina Jolie.
Actually his most recent work has been the war film of “Corazones de acero” (2014).
He has six children with Angelina Jolie including two sons and daughter that were adopted.
Before being with Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt was married with Jennifer Aniston but now they are divorced.
His three more significant physical characteristics are his sharp chin, his blue eyes and, in general, his pretty face.
He usually works with David Fincher and hes banned in China because of his role in “Siete años en el Tíbet”
Angelina Jolie:
She’s an oscar winning actress who became popular after playing the principal character in “Lara Croft”. Angelina Jolie is not just an actress, because off- screen she has become involved in international charity projects, especially those involving refugees. She often appears on “Most beautiful women lists” and has a personal life that is avidly covered by the tabloid press. She was born in Los Angeles in 1975 and began absorbing the acting craft from her parents.
She represented the principal character for the first time in the film “Hackers” (1995).
Her global recognition started when she received the Oscar  for the best cast actress in 2000 for her representation in the film “Inocencia interrumpida”
She also acted for the character from the video game Tomb Raider, Lara Croft in the homonymous film, that was really popular and gave her an international fame. She’s also considered one of the better paid actress. She also acted as Miss Smith in the comedy film “Sr. y Sra. Smith”, where she met her actual couple, Brad Pitt, with which she has six childrens.
Before being with Brad Pitt, she got married and then divorced two times, first with Jonny Lee Miller and then with Billy Bob Thornton.
Her big lips are her most obvious feature and she got operated from her mammary glands because there were lots of probabilities she had cáncer.
  •  IMDb
  •  Wikipedia